Sustainable micro-mobility powered by wave energy


The Municipality of S. Felice Circeo has always been attentive to the issue of the environmental sustainability of the town and of the homonymous National Park area. San Felice Circeo has the improvement of the city’s waterfront among its next goals, including new services for tourists, and fostering sustainable mobility.


The challenge envisages the installation of parking/recharging stations nearby the touristic port and the waterfront lane, as a supply system for small electric vehicles (e.g. pedal assisted bicycles and/or scooters), powered by technologies that exploit the marine electric potential, in particular wave motion. The devices for the production of energy from the sea should preferably be placed along the existing infrastructures (harbor dock and / or breakwater barriers).

The purpose is to allow both the recharge of private vehicles and the creation of parking points for fleets of vehicles for shared transport (docking station). The creation of parking/recharging stations is a practice that has already been experimented in Northern Europe and promotes an easy and orderly use of these vehicles.

The aim of the challenge is to promote the use of sustainable means of transport among citizens and tourists, that allow to cover short/medium distances with very low environmental impact, as to both the amount of direct emissions of the vehicles and the footprint of their powering source.

The recharging system can also be integrated into the public lighting system, so as to compensate/absorb any deficit / surplus of production related to the intermittency of the energy source.

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Summary Description

The Municipality of S. Felice Circeo has always been attentive to the issue of the environmental sustainability of the town and of the homonymous National Park area. San Felice Circeo has the improvement of the city’s waterfront among its next goals, including new services for tourists, and fostering sustainable mobility.

The challenge envisages the installation of parking/recharging stations nearby the touristic port and the waterfront lane, as a supply system for small electric vehicles (e.g. pedal assisted bicycles and/or scooters), powered by technologies that exploit the marine electric potential, in particular wave motion. The devices for the production of energy from the sea should preferably be placed along the existing infrastructures (harbor dock and / or breakwater barriers).

The purpose is to allow both the recharge of private vehicles and the creation of parking points for fleets of vehicles for shared transport (docking station). The creation of parking/recharging stations is a practice that has already been experimented in Northern Europe and promotes an easy and orderly use of these vehicles.

The aim of the challenge is to promote the use of sustainable means of transport among citizens and tourists, that allow to cover short/medium distances with very low environmental impact, as to both the amount of direct emissions of the vehicles and the footprint of their powering source.

The recharging system can also be integrated into the public lighting system, so as to compensate/absorb any deficit / surplus of production related to the intermittency of the energy source.



Sustainable Mobility - The energy comes from the sea
Entity: Comune di San Felice Circeo
Map Challenge

