Electricity from ocean waves
Harness the infinite energy of the sea for direct, low-cost electricity without costly investments.
At Eco Wave Dynamis we designed and built our own mechanism to convert wave energy into electricity. A small mechanism that can be placed by the side of the platform.
This innovative mechanism was designed with high efficiency in generating electricity from ocean waves and low manufacturing costs in mind.
It was developed after a long period of research in the real conditions of the Aegean Sea and not in basins with artificial waves, in order to fully understand the specificities of the Greek seas.
We named our innovative mechanism «Daedalus», inspired by the ingenuity of the mythical engineer of antiquity. The mechanism consists of a float that follows the direction of the wave to make the most of the dynamic and kinetic energy of the waves.
Advantages of the Daedalus mechanism:
Wave energy from the sea is an absolutely clean, inexhaustible, safe and economically viable energy source. Its scale is unimaginable, as the world’s oceans cover about two-thirds of the Earth’s surface. Researchers from the UK Maritime Foresight Panel estimated that «if less than 0.1% of the ocean’s renewable energy could be converted into electricity, it would meet current global energy demand more than five times over!» (House of Commons, UK: https://tinyurl.com/9yv36rw3 )
We did not choose to build large, expensive wave power stations connected to the grid as this is a less efficient solution with existing technology.
We are investing in renewable energy sources because they will dominate in the near future. Overall, it is a fast-growing sector that offers high returns on investment.
The Daedalus project can be built using the knowledge EWD has gained over the last 8 years.
Finding the right investors to fulfil this project is going to be the next challenge for the company.
Dimitrios Lygeris – Founder
Senior Mechanichal Engineer
Ralf Spriestersbach – Co- Founder
Senior Electrical Engineer
Leonidas Sampanis
Juan R Juncas
Please contact us at:
info@ecowadynamis.com or ecowavedynamis@gmail.com